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Alba Casero Sánchez


I’m Alba and I’m from Barcelona (Spain). I have studied a Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Barcelona and I was a semester studying at Trinity College Dublin. Since I started my studies at university, I have been curious about medical devices and how we can use technology to improve healthcare. Because of that, in my third year I spent a summer in an Irish medical device start-up called Luminate Medical, based in Galway, where I learned how technology can be used to prevent hair loss in chemotherapy. It was a very enriching experience. During my last bachelor year, I also did an internship in Hospital Clínic Barcelona and I saw how technology was applied in the hospital to save patients’ lives. After my bachelor's degree, I decided to do a postgraduate diploma in computer-aided product design, and at the same time, I applied all the skills I was learning by doing an internship in a medical device start-up called Aortyx, based in Barcelona, in which I worked on medical device design. Now I am working in another company, Ventura Medical Technologies, and I am the bridge between the company and the patients, doing the surgical planning for the cases that we receive of patients that will be treated with our device. In a few months, I’ll start my MSc Biomedical Engineering with specialization in Medical Devices at TU Delft, in the Netherlands. I hope to continue learning about this amazing area!

Alba Casero Sánchez

Barcelona, Spain

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